
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Stitching Goals for 2015

With a brand new year ahead, this is the time for me to decide what I want to accomplish and improve this year.

1.  Takin' care of business.
I've been embroidering for 2.5 years, and I've had this blog for about 18 months.  My blog has been steadily growing to the point where I now have readers beyond the circle of people who are legally obligated to love me.  My State Fair accomplishments and doing the Torah mantle on commission has been garnering me local attention.  When you get good at a craft, it inevitably leads to people asking to you to make things for them . . . or for their neighbor's sister's cat.  I do think about the idea of turning my embroidery into a business, but I can't lie to myself.  It is incredibly difficult to run a viable craft business, and there is probably a broken light on Broadway for every failed Etsy shop.  This year, I want to develop parameters for how I am willing to do paid work.  That includes the number and type of paid projects I am willing to do, how I will make expectations clear for me and my customer (for example, with a contract), what I should charge for my time, and how much I actually want to promote myself.  If I don't want to do a particular commission, it is acceptable for me to say "no."  I need to find a way to adequately reward--and protect--my time.
     I'd also like to promote my work in a wider variety of ways.  Last year I had a summertime gig as a guest blogger.  I'd like to explore what other opportunities are out there.  (One is already in the pipeline!)  This blog could also use a fresh new look at some point.

2.  Learn to frame.
I've figured out how to frame in a hoop, but for projects that don't fit in one I've been going to a framing store.  This gets very expensive.  I'd like to try framing at least one project on my own to give me more options.

3.  Get more items into the State Fair, place higher, and recruit more friends.
Faster, higher, stronger!  That applies to crafting, right?  I'd like to keep improving my State Fair showing.  I got two friends to join me this year, and I'm always looking for more.

4.  Learn blackwork . . . or something.
Ok, so this is a repeat of last year.  I am, however, giving myself more leeway.  I'd like to keep learning different styles of embroidery.  I have kits for blackwork and Hapsburg lace.  The library has new books on Hardanger embroidery and Swedish weaving (which is actually a type of embroidery that makes it look like the stitching is woven into the fabric).

Of course, finishing every project I can is a goal that will remain every year, and I've already succeeded in finishing one.
December 2014--Hansel & Gretel
Finished in less than a year.  Still counts as 2014

What are your stitching goals for the year?

1 comment:

  1. Well done on finishing the Fairy Tale sampler, it looks fantastic! I never even started mine! Another one for the to-do list.... good luck with your goals this year
